What makes it Unique?
- Lacy, rounded spinach-like small leaves.
- Variegated leaves in cream, white, golden, and green colored.
- Self-sustaining nature.
- Exotic-looking stem with thick, woody, and curving trunk-like structure.
- Used as an ornamental shrub plant.
- Small feather-like leaves give it a tree-like structure.
- Adds a soft texture to your indoor spaces.
How to care?
- Needs watering once a week.
- Suitable to grow in bright indoor spaces.
- Needs fertilizers after every two weeks.
- Needs repotting every once a year.
- It can be propagated easily through green stem-cutting.
- Overwatering or nutrient deficiency can turn the leaves yellow.
- The roots will rot and the Aralia plant will die through overwatering.
- Brown spots over the leaves will appear through over-watering.
- Full shade or filtered sunlight is essential for the growth of the plant.
- A sudden location change can lead to the dropping of leaves.
- It thrives best when kept on a dry side.
1 reviews for Aralia (variegated)
saiful hasan siddiqui - May 06, 2022
best plant