LEAF BABA knows and recognises the importance of privacy and ensures full data protection of its customers. Every step that you go through on this website remains fully secure and there is no loss or transmission of data to any third party.

We from time to time may gather some data like your order preferences, etc. and may offer you search results accordingly. For this, we may use cookies. This would also enhance user experience and would help you in getting products of your interests.

We do not disclose or sell any data related to our customers like phone number, credit card, address, etc. As mentioned earlier, all the process that you do on leafbaba.com remains fully secure using encrypted software. We do our best to ensure that any data or information related to our customer is not leaked.

In case any data is required by any competent government agency, it may be provided to them only after examining the matter.

Information like your name, image, review/s and the like that you post on leafbaba.com may become public for marketing purpose.

We also take service/s of third party/ies so that they can facilitate us in getting our work done at various levels and for this reason they have the access to your data. However, they are bound to protect every bit of data that they go through.

We deeply value your personal data on our platform and we apply certain software programs to protect your data but remember that no online medium is entirely secure and for this reason we cannot guarantee absolute security.

This privacy policy may be revised from time to time and whenever it would be revised, you will be notified online on this page. All the changes to our privacy policy would be effective as soon as the same is updated on this page.

Much of the information like photos, written content, and the like are owned and controlled under various laws and the imitation of any of our content is entirely prohibited.

Our site may contain links to other websites/pages. In case you click the link and visit the website/page, we advise you to read the privacy policy of those websites. Once you visit any third party website, you are bound by the terms and conditions and the privacy policy of that third party website.

If you have any doubt or question regarding our privacy policy, please do let us know by sending an email at support@leafbaba.com
